Each Week:
Names and meaning of God in Hebrew.
Hebrew Alphabet and Meanings of the Week.
Hebrew Numbers and Meaning of the Week.
New Hebrew Root Word of the Week.
Verse of the Week.
This Week/Month in Bible History- God's Holy Biblical Calendar
Torah Reading of the Week
Review of Weekly Home Work:
Assigned video or audio Hebrew teaching (not mandatory).
Covenant of the Week: Understanding the Layers of the Covenants (Adam through Yeshua).
Suggested Reasearch Book of the Month:
Book of Jasher, Ancient Epistle of Barnabas, Ancient Sedar Olam, Book of Enoch, Ancient Book of Jubilees.
Helpful Tools
Books:Lexicon Strongs Concordance
Internet: Blue Letter Bible www.blueletterbible.org
Download for free: E-Sword: www.e-sword.net
Hebrew for Christians- http://www.hebrew4christians.com/index.html
Command to Evangelize To the Jew First-How to Evangelize the Jew. Educate Christians in their role to provoke the Jewish people to jealousy and thus save some of them (Romans 11:11-14).
Answering Jewish Objections to Jesus (Instructor Michael L. Brown, Ph.D.)
To the Jew First- Verse Pick & Tip of the Week:
Week 1: An Introduction to the Hebraic Roots of Your Faith
Hebrew Roots Studies --- Torah: The Ancient Foundation
Topics include: How to Study God’s Word in Hebrew
Torah 101- Torah Meaning: To teach, instruct, direct. יָרָה Strongs Concordance #(H3384)
Hebrew Roots of Our Faith
Topics include: Our Covenant Keeping God, The Divinity of Messiah, Redemption and Salvation, The Purpose of Salvation, Repentance and Immersion, Covenant Relationships, The Hebrew Sabbath, The Purpose of the Torah, The Church Fathers & Early Church History, Coming out of Babylon/Pagan Origins, The Bride of Messiah, Walking as a New Creation in Messiah/Kingdom Parables Applied, Overview of God’s Holy Feast Days, The Letter of the Law, The Spirit of the Torah, How to Love Others, God's Perspective of Widows and Orphans. The 10 Commandments.
A Discipleship Series on the Torah and Tanak
Topics include: God as Our King, Allowing the Messiah to Rule and Reign in Your Life, Grace vs. Law, Faith vs. Works, The United Kingdom of Israel, God's Principles of Judgment, God's Kingdom, The Importance of Righteous Deeds, , The Hebrew Community, The Kosher Lifestyle and Does it Apply Today, Leadership and Divine Authority, Realm of Life and Realm of Death, Hebrew Prayer. Feast of Trumpets/Rosh Hashanah.
Maturing in the Messiah
Topics include: God as Our Atonement- Yom Kippur, The Great Commission, The Power of the Spirit-Pentecost/Shavout, New Covenant Promises, How to teach and Disciple Others, Reflecting the Messiah in Your Lifestyle, Becoming a Priest unto God, The Church Fathers, Pagan Origins of Christian Traditions, Islam and Mohammed, The Land of Israel, How to Disciple Others
From Discipleship to Apostleship
Topics include: God as Our Joy, How to Love God, The Restoration of His Kingdom, Tabernacles (Sukkot), Simchat Torah, How to Walk as Yeshua Walked, Community in Yeshua, Becoming a Deliverer to the Nations, Hebrew Deliverance, Devils, Demons, and Unclean Spirits, Understanding Paul and the Epistles, Yeshua as Our High Priest, The Order of Melchizedek, The Royal Torah.
List of reputable Hebrew Roots Teachers and Schools:
Messianic Jewish Bible Institute www.mjbi.org
Messianic Jewish Bible College- Kings http://thekingsjewishvoice.org/
School of Messianic Theology http://messianicschool.com/